IN TRANSIT Co. with MerrigongX and The Wollongong Culture Bank


Meeting. Response.Performance

A story about a town that sank under the weight of its own prosperity…

Fault/Lines is a response to the times we live in. A performance, a community conversation and a playful response to crisis. Through a series of community meetings, workshops and creative developments- we ask people to make artistic responses to the idea of The Town that sank under the weight of its own prosperity. Together we will map out this town and meets its inhabitants. We will discuss the reasons for its sinking and ask ourselves if someone could have done something to stop it?

No-one can agree on the exact day The Town started to sink. It seems like one day it was there and then it wasn’t. But there must have been days in-between? There must have been discussions, about what to do, what action to take?  There must have been plans and meetings… there must have been meetings…

Fault/Lines Creative Development September 2022 Wollongong

MEETING /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ noun: meeting; plural noun: meetings

  1. an assembly of people for a particular purpose, 2. a situation where two or more people meet 3. a way that we are framing our creative development for Fault/Lines








Theatre Performance

In development for 2024

Three performers circle an architectural model of a town and attempt to reconstruct its disappearance from fragments of evidence that remain.

They enact the minutes of a town hall meeting, play field recordings, and read scraps of personal diaries from those who use to live there.

These fragments of evidence have been created through a series of meetings, workshops, and participatory processes with the local community.  

The events presented are a collective imagining of a fictional place that serves as an allegory for these times.